Collier Edition

New Year, New You: Resolve to Lead a More Active, Engaged Lifestyle

By Greg Pascucci It’s a new month and a new year! It’s a time when many look inward to reflect on changes they can make to be a better version of themselves. Although making a few resolutions for self-improvement is admirable, experts recommend lifestyle changes over longer stretches of time vs. a goal such as losing 10 pounds in two …

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Stem Cells Can Reverse Disease and Keep you Healthy

As we age, we are often confronted with a body that doesn’t function the way it used to, and we feel discomfort, pain, and experience illness and disease more rapidly than when we were young. Stem cells are the wave of the future with proven outcomes and results. Many individuals that suffer from the throbbing, achy joints associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia …

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Should we bring in help or move to a senior community?

By Bruce Rosenblatt – Senior Housing Expert – Owner, Senior Housing Solutions Most people think they would rather bring in help rather than consider moving to a senior living community. Is this the right answer? Short term solution for a long term problem Bringing in help might sound like the easy solution. No need to uproot yourself and move somewhere. …

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2018 New Year’s Resolutions: How can getting my hearing tested make 2018 a better year for me?

By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services If you want to make a New Year’s resolution that will really boost your life and well-being throughout all of 2018, then get your hearing tested! “Addressing hearing loss can add to quality of life in many ways”, states Patricia Hoglund ACA, BC-HIS of Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Center.” Our lives are …

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A New Breed of Health Care Practitioner Is Emerging

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Many of you are fed up with our current health care system and the care you are receiving. Are your health care complaints resolving or are they just being managed? If you said managed, then this article is for you. Unfortunately, our health care and insurance systems in the U.S. are broken. Your …

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Happy New Year! Changes are on the way…

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 For some they will be for the better and for others for the worse. Looking back at the “Obama Care” Affordable Care Act, you may have received a tax credit (within 100%-400% of the poverty level) to help with your insurance premium and reduce the cost of your healthcare. This gave …

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About The Clinical Research Studies Clinical studies add to medical knowledge by allowing researchers to determine whether investigational medications are safe and effective for patients with different medical conditions. These studies are carefully put together and the safety of the studies participants is always the main concern of everyone involved. The PERSPECTIVE Study Eligible participants in the PERSPECTIVE clinical research …

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Maintaining Good Gut Health for the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us which means lots of traditions, celebrations, office parties and get-togethers. Unfortunately, this is often accompanied by heavy meals, increased alcohol consumption, sweets, and rich foods that can wreak havoc on gut health. You may be thinking to yourself, “So what, it’s only for a short time. What harm can that do?” With intestinal health …

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Do You Have Lingering Heel Pain?

Learn how you can stop the aching and get back on you feet Dr. Jamie E. Weaver, DPM – Foot and Ankle Surgeon One of the most common reasons that patients visit their physician is for heel pain. Our feet bear the weight of the entire body and if you are overweight, which is typical for many individuals with heel …

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Looking Better Can Change Your Mental State

In psychology, there have been numerous studies on the social and psychological effects that appearance has on many individuals. If we’re feeling insecure, social withdrawal or having difficulty looking someone in the eyes and maintaining confidence can, unfortunately, be diminished. A study called, Beauty in Mind: The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Psychological Well-Being and Distress, concluded that being confident, …

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