Collier Edition

What is Functional Medicine?

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP The best definition of functional medicine that I have seen is by Dr Dan Kalish.  He defines functional medicine as “a science-based approach to healing that is based primarily on natural health solutions to common health problems.”  The heavy use of labs, research and science embraces our current medical model and helps my …

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Do you hear unusual noise in your head? You are NOT alone! Between 25 and 50 million Americans are plagued with a condition that is imperceptible to other people. They look normal, but they are suffering. In some cases, their agony drives them to consider suicide. Tinnitus is frequently described as ringing in the ears. The sounds are described in …

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Effective Regenerative Medicine Options for Chronic Back Pain

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Many people who suffer with chronic back pain go through the traditional protocols to no avail, because all too often the true underlying cause is not identified. The common denominator for many painful musculoskeletal conditions causing back pain is spinal instability due to injury to the ligaments. Regenerative options can provide solutions that correct the …

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Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain? What You Need To Know About Your Options

Dr. H. Kurtis Biggs – Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Most people can relate to having suffered physical pain in their lifetimes, but to have to live with that pain on a daily basis can become debilitating. In the U.S. over 100 million people reportedly suffer from some form of chronic pain. Whether the issue stems from trauma, injury, arthritis or other …

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National Parkinson’s Awareness Month

Every nine minutes someone in our community is diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Chances are you or someone you know or love will be affected by the disease. PD is the fastest growing neurological disorder. Some scientists report that PD has surpassed Alzheimer’s  disease as the number one age related diagnosed neurodegenerative disease. With no cure in sight, diagnosis at …

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Focus on Head & Neck Cancers

Long-term survival of head and neck cancers is increasing. Establishing healthy habits can greatly reduce your risk of developing these and other related cancers. An estimated 436,060 survivors of head and neck cancer are living in the United States today, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), and that number continues to grow. Through successful research and clinical trials, as …

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Drugging Our Children?… A Chiropractic Approach

By Dr Deanna Barbaro There is much talk and controversy about the causes of Autism and the varied Autism Spectrum Disorders. Treatment today varies from prescription medication to occupational therapy. Many parents are concerned about the long-term effects caused by drugging their children with high doses of psychiatric medication such as stimulants and sedatives during early formative years. Many complain of …

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Regenerative Treatment Options for Painful Knees

Knee pain affects all types of people, hindering them from fully enjoying retirement, being able to work or play sports, or many other activities. It may keep the athlete from running a marathon, or simply make walking through the grocery store daunting. For our knees to move normally and remain healthy, all of the knee joint structures need to be …

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Do You Have A Protrusion On Your Big Toe? Find Out How You Can Get Rid Of The Pain For Good.

More women than men experience the painful boney growth on their big toe, known as a bunion, or Hallux Valgus. One of the leading causes of a bunion is from wearing shoes that are too tight, too narrow or too high. All of this causes pressure on your toe joint, which in turn starts to ache, become fluid filled and …

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Relax Your Way to a Healthy Body and Mind: Cruising on a yacht offers personalized service in lavish spaces

Bigger isn’t always better. With the ability to sail to exotic loc ations that a larger vessel would be unable to embark upon, Crystal Yacht Expedition is designed for travelers seeking unique experiences. December of 2015, the Crystal Esprit yacht was launched. With its fresh, modern accommodations fit for royalty, the yacht exudes comfort, style, upscale spaces, and incredibly personalized service. …

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