Collier Edition

Men Find Camaraderie and Special Bond at The Carlisle

By Greg Pascucci Research indicates that the aging process is different for men and women. Not only are the responses from the body different but so is the male/female psychology on getting older. According to a study, older men cited the following concerns about aging: Independence—The Boomer Project, a leading authority on insights about the 50+ market, revealed that 90 percent …

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Neuromas: A Painful Foot Condition

Dr. Michael J. Petrocelli, More than 75% of people in the United States will experience foot disorders. A large percentage of these individuals are in the aging population, but other factors can contribute to foot pain, like standing on your feet for extended periods of time, ill-fitting shoes, hereditary and genetic disorders, excessive exercise, trauma, and diseases. However, one of the …

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Tried it All? How to Finally Get Rid of Unwanted Hair

Understanding hair growth explains a lot about how difficult it is to get rid of unwanted hair efficiently. The hair follicle, which is implanted in the dermis, has papillae that contains tiny blood vessels. The base of the papillae is the bulb, which divides every one to three days. Two sheaths protect and nourish the hair. There are three stages of …

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Ligament Laxity, the Missing Diagnosis in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Vaginal Pain

By Debra K. Brinker, RN It is estimated that approximately 24% of women suffer from at least one symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction. (1) Pelvic floor dysfunction involves spasm or discoordination of the pelvic floor musculature, which commonly manifests with the associated symptoms, including pelvic and vaginal pain, and a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. (See figure 1.)   As these …

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Courtesy of Naples Fitness Lab Did you know that your body follows something called a circadian rhythm – a natural cycle that will signal your body when to go to sleep, wake up, eat, and even how to function optimally. The quality of your sleep is incredibly important- but did you know that you’ll be more likely to get higher …

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Gulf Waters and Open Wounds Don’t Mix!

By Anne Marie Tremaine, MD Vibro Vulfinicus is a bacterium of legitimate concern in southwest Florida. Thankfully infection with V. Vulfinicus is rare (although underreported) but most cases in the U.S. are found in Gulf Coast states. According to the Florida Department of Health, since 2014, the counties with most reported infections include Brevard (7 cases), Duval (9), Hillsborough (9), …

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Have You Disclosed Your Foreign Assets to the IRS? If Not, you are Running out of Time.

By Bonie Montalvo United States taxpayers holding financial assets outside of the United States have a financial obligation to report certain foreign assets to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Under current law, taxpayers must report foreign accounts in which they have “a financial interest in or signature authority over” if the aggregate value of such foreign accounts at any point in …

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By Linda Culotta, Mortgage Loan Officer New Construction/Renovation Loan Specialist When researching ways to find my purpose in accordance with the Blue Zone’s Project’s findings discussed in my past articles, I came across a book written by Steve Chandler, author of “100 Ways to Motivate Yourself” and also “Reinventing Yourself.” He brings to light many factors that make us tick. …

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Traveling Abroad?

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 Possibly you are taking a summer vacation or maybe you’re retiring and plan to travel.  Congratulations! Many travelers believe their domestic insurance plan will be enough when they travel abroad but that might not be the case. Without the right plan, you may not be covered for an illness or injury.  …

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Herbal and Homeopathic Immune Strengtheners 101

According to the CDC, Florida is one of the states with the highest records of influenza infections. This year, the flu has affected young and old alike and caused unprecedented amounts of hospitalizations and deaths. Adults 65 and over are more susceptible to the dangers of the flu, as their symptoms can quickly exacerbate into pneumonia or other disease states. However, …

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