Collier Edition

What Happens To Our Digital Assets When We Die?

By Bonie Montalvo We are currently using technology in unprecedented ways. In 2018, a Pew Research Center survey revealed 73% percent of Americans own desktop or laptop computers, 78% percent own smartphones and a whopping 89% use the internet. Whether consciously or unconsciously, our population has been building a sizeable digital legacy, comprised of pictures, videos, music, games, virtual currencies, …

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Why Are So Many Adults Needing Rotator Cuff Repairs? What to Expect if your Shoulder requires treatment

Dr. Brian Wallace, DO – Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in rotator cuff injuries.  As we age, our bodies are subjected to more repercussions from normal wear and tear.  This is particularly the case with individual’s age 60 and older, but the same wear and tear is accurate for younger people that …

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Are Facials That Complicated?

By Daniel I. Wasserman, M.D. Why does it seem like everyone is getting a facial?  Facials are nothing more than some form of mechanical manipulation of the facial skin to improve its appearance.  The human desire to apply such methods to maintain and improve beauty were even used by the ancient Egyptians as far back as thousands of years ago.  …

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Water Therapy for Back Pain

Water has some very special properties that for some people with back pain yields great results in terms relief. The beauty of being in water is that it allows you to do more than you would on land – because it reduces or eliminates constraints gravity imposes on your moving body. Water exercise is done in shallow, mid-deep and deep …

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Regularly Scheduled Hearing Tests Are Important for Diabetics!

By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services Diabetes and hearing loss are two of America’s most widespread health concerns. Nearly 30 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and an estimated 34.5 million have some type of hearing loss. Those are large groups of people, and it appears there is a lot of overlap between the two. A recent study …

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Alzheimer’s and the Blue Zone Connection

By Linda Culotta, Mortgage Loan Officer New Construction/Renovation Loan Specialist More than five million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, and some experts predict that number will triple by 2050. Do the math, and that’s 15 million Americans in just over 30 years. Despite spending billions on research, drug companies have been largely unsuccessful in finding a cure. However, a small group …

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Improving Our Children’s Immune System with Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Acupuncture is part of an ancient medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is commonly used to treat a multitude of ailments in adults and is gaining popularity among pediatrics. There are licensed acupuncturists who specialize in treating children and are in high demand. These pediatric acupuncturists are helping children where …

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Steps to Take If the IRS Contacts You

By Kevin Carmichael One of the least pleasant items of mail taxpayers receive is a notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), indicating that taxes, penalties and interest may be due on a return which has or has not been filed. As unpleasant as the notice may be, and while the notice should be taken seriously, taxpayers should not panic upon …

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Diets for Detoxification

There has been a lot written about detoxification with specific food plans. Performing a web-search for detox diets, many varied recommendations will emerge. Some propose the elimination of specific food groups in their entirety while others advocate a diet of only water and juices. The most concerning of all are those that involve consuming only a concoction of spices and honey …

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Stimulate your Mind and Your Senses in Todays Hottest Travel Destination

Amongst international celebrities, Europeans, Americans, Royals and every other culture under the sun, Portugal is one of the most sought-after destinations amid all ages. With its rich history, gorgeous rivers and seaside towns, Portugal ranks high on the list for travelers wanting historical charm, religious sightseeing, fantastic Mediterranean food and fine wine; it’s the place to be. Karen Kelley and …

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