Collier Edition

Photoprotection Can Save Your Skin and Your Life

By Anne Marie Tremaine, MD As Floridians, whether it be work, play, or likely both, you are obtaining excessive amounts of sun exposure. This constant exposure, worsened by the occurrence sun burns, is increasing your risk for skin cancer. As a dermatologist in SWFL, I see and treat these sun-induced skin cancers daily. My mission is to make sure you …

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Lifting Sagging Skin & Replacing Lost Volume Just Got Revitalized

One of the chief complaints of aging is the laxity of skin and volume loss to the face and neck. Through the years there have been multiple advancements in filling the contours of the face and laser therapy to tighten the skin. However, until recently a “new” procedure has been revived from years ago that is at the forefront of the …

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A Compounded Thyroid Medication Made Specifically For You

The thyroid is a tiny butterfly shaped gland in the neck that is made up of two distinct lobes. The thyroid gland predominantly produces thyroxine (T4) which is converted to the active form of thyroid hormone, triiodothyronine (T3), primarily in the liver. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid is overactive in producing thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism can be brought on by …

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A Novel Way for Managing Your Chronic Sinus Disease

More than 30 million people in the U.S. are affected by chronic sinusitis.  Each year it’s one of the most common reasons that individuals visit their doctor.  People who suffer from ongoing sinus complications usually have difficulty breathing, contributing to other health disorders. Some of the symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis are: • Nasal obstruction • Difficulty breathing • Postnasal drainage …

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Lung Cancer & The Importance of Screenings

The second leading cancer in both men and women is LUNG CANCER. According to the American Cancer Society’s Statistics, there will be 234,030 new cases of lung cancer diagnosed and 154,050 deaths from lung cancer this year alone. Despite these grim statistics, nearly 430,000 people today, have at some point in their lives been diagnosed with lung cancer, and yet they …

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Cryotherapy for Pain Relief and Cellular Renewal

Jean Ankner was enduring the side effects of her treatment from metastatic breast cancer daily. Most of these side effects were ensuring a great deal of pain in her body. At one point, she was taking up to five ibuprofen’s a day just to try and relieve her symptoms. After seeking conventional medicine, holistic therapeutics and everything in between, she finally …

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“A Star Is Born” Sheds Light on Tinnitus!

By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services In the movie A Star Is Born, Jackson Maine (played by Bradley Cooper) is a famous musician who performs very loud, rock-n-roll concerts to sold-out arenas every night. As a result of all this noise, and the fact that he was born with hearing loss, Maine hears a constant ringing tone in his …

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Alleviate Knee Pain with Acupuncture

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP – Do you suffer from knee pain?  At the end of the day, are your knees swollen, sore, and achy?  If so, I have good news for you. Acupuncture can alleviate the pain you are experiencing so you can get back to the activities that you enjoy.  Pain relief usually begins within minutes …

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Senior Pet Care

Just like we humans are living longer, pets are living longer too. Some of the same age-related conditions that happen to people happen to our pets as well. Keeping them as healthy as possible in their senior years is critical to their quality of life. Pets are considered seniors around seven years old, but this can vary with different breeds. …

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What is Cryptocurrency, and How is it Taxed?

By Bonie Montalvo Background on Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency is digital “money” used as a medium of exchange in the world market. There are more than 1,500 known virtual currencies, with the most popular being Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital token — with no physical backing —not backed by gold or paper bills. Back in the day, when a cashier received a …

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