Collier Edition

Explore the Sought-After Creations of the Galápagos Islands

The Galápagos Islands are of course well known due to Charles Darwin’s research; however, the Bishop of Panama first discovered the islands back in the 1500’s. These volcanic islands are situated on both sides of the equator just west of Ecuador. A cruise offered by Lindblad Expeditions, National Geographic Endeavour II, is designed for travelers seeking unique experiences intricately guided …

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Ligament Laxity, the Missing Diagnosis in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Vaginal Pain

By Debra K. Brinker, RN It is estimated that approximately 24% of women suffer from at least one symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction. (1) Pelvic floor dysfunction involves spasm or discoordination of the pelvic floor musculature, which commonly manifests with the associated symptoms, including pelvic and vaginal pain, and a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. (See figure 1.) As these conditions may …

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Tis the Season for Giving Back and Reaping the Numerous Health Benefits

By Greg Pascucci Studies continue to show a direct correlation between giving back and leading a healthy and happy life. And, with the holiday season in full swing, there’s never been a better time for older adults to give of their time and talents. At The Carlisle Naples, residents are taking advantage of the active retirement community’s maintenance-free lifestyle and pursuing …

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Parkinson Association of Southwest Florida

Every nine minutes someone in our community is diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Chances are you or someone you know or love will be affected by the disease. PD is the fastest growing disease in our community. Advancing age is the most significant risk factor for PD. Living in a community with significant aging population, experts unfortunately predict that diagnoses …

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Will The Flu Season be as Perilous as Last Year?

Although many people refer to the “flu” as other ailments like a stomach virus or sinus infection, influenza is a highly contagious upper respiratory illness. Getting vaccinated against the virus is imperative, and getting the vaccination early will help to stave off your chances of becoming infected before you get the immunization. We’re not sure how bad the flu virus …

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Yoga House Naples Wants To Help You Achieve Wellbeing, Flexibility, Stamina & Immunity

With the numerous benefits of yoga, you might want to consider adding it to your repertoire. From improving flexibility, blood flow, muscle strength, posture, immune function, bone health, decreasing depressive episodes, and dropping blood pressure, yoga packs a profound punch into your body, mind and souls overall health. Yoga House’s mission is to provide an amazing yoga experience and impeccable customer …

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The Top Two Most Toxic Leisure Activities Are Prevalent in Florida

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Florida is home to two of the most toxic sports/activities. What do you think they are? Any guesses? There is a good chance that you participating in one or or both of these activities on a regular basis. The two most toxic sports are golf and swimming in a chlorine swimming pool. How …

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Make The Most Out Of Your Gift Tax Exclusion This Holiday Season

By Bonie Montalvo The holidays are here, and the air is filled with wonder and cheer. During this holiday season we are more inclined to give, but, before you change someone’s luck, review the following to make sure that such change does not leave you at a loss. Understanding Gifts • Generally, the person making the gift will be responsible for …

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ED & Peyronie’s: A Natural Treatment Option That Works

By Dr. Viviana Cuberos It’s important to see a medical professional if you are experiencing difficulty in getting and maintaining an erection. For men between the ages of 40 to 70, erectile dysfunction is extremely common. Some causes of the disorder are vascular disease, which leads to narrowing of the arteries and decreased blood flow, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, physiological …

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By Dr. Robert Gilliland, DC Fatigue – Sleep Impairment – Joint Pain – Muscle Aches – Other Pain – Depression Brain Fog – Neuropathy – Headaches – Heart Related If Lyme disease is not diagnosed and treated early, the spirochetes can spread and may go into hiding in different tissues in the body;  the brain, the central nervous system, muscles …

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