Collier Edition

How the New Tax Law Will Affect Your 2018 Tax Return

By Bonie Montalvo The holidays came and went, and January is now finally here, and it is time to start thinking about completing and filing your 2018 income tax return. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), passed by Congress on December 2017, has been the most sweeping change to our Tax Code in the Tax Reform Act of 1986. A …

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Restore Youth to your Face and Regrow your Hair with PRP

By Dorothy Minichiello Naturally found in your blood, platelets are a rich source of proteins called growth factors, which promote healing and regeneration. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contains a higher concentration of platelets than the amount normally found in your blood. To create PRP a sample of your blood is drawn and placed it in a centrifuge, which separates out the …

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Scar Wars

By Daniel I. Wasserman, M.D. Physical trauma of any sort or severity ultimately leads to the development of a scar. Nearly every person at one time or another has injured himself or herself from a cut, scrape, burn, surgery, or even acne. The resultant appearance of these scars often lead to significant physical or emotional debilitation, ultimately leading individuals to seek …

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By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services Advanced stage hearing loss can lead to a lot of frustrations in life. Modern technology is continuing to improve not only in the devices themselves, but also with a dramatic improvement in the quality of sound and increased functionality of assistive listening devices (ALDs). We recently began working with a gentleman by the …

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Is There an Alternative to Joint Replacement?

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Joint replacement surgeries are increasing rapidly. In the last ten years, knee replacements have more than doubled and hip replacements more than tripled.1 The most common cause of chronic knee and hip pain leading to joint replacement is osteoarthritis. Other causes of knee and hip pain include bursitis, tendonitis, sports injuries, chondromalacia patella, ligament injury, …

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This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Beautiful Skin

The holidays bring joy by celebrating with family and friends, attending holiday parties, special events and gift giving, but along side of all of the “Fa La La” often comes a bit of stress, over indulgence and rushing from here to there. This fast-paced time of year can wreak havoc on our skin from dehydration, lack of sleep, poor dietary …

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The season of gluttony has arrived! The steady onslaught of office treats, holiday buffets, and that ever so tasty double peppermint mocha latte topped with whipped cream can easily knock down the wall of resistance for even the most health conscious eater. If you are like most, by the time the holidays are over, you have noticed a few extra …

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BOTOX® for Overactive Bladder Frustrated with your Overactive Bladder (OAB) medication not working? Do the side effects pose more health risks than benefits?

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG When you have Overactive Bladder, you learn to settle. To settle not only for the constant bathroom trips, but also for treatments that haven’t worked as well as you’d like or left you with unpleasant side effects. There’s another approach. BOTOX® is approved to treat Overactive Bladder symptoms, such as a strong need to urinate with …

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Want Firmer, Younger Looking Skin? A New Year – Could Mean A New You

Living in Florida, we are all more susceptible to the sun’s damaging rays, as our weather allows us to enjoy the outdoors all year round. Harmful UVB rays not only make us vulnerable to skin cancer, but they can cause severe premature aging. The sun’s photodamaging effects decrease our collagen level, which causes sagging, loss of laxity, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Even …

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This Holiday Season, Is the Perfect Time to Visit a Senior Living Community: Find out Why

The Holidays are filled with events, family dinners, parties and celebrations. It’s a time to enjoy time with our loved ones near and far, but when it comes to aging parents, you may be surprised at their appearance and struggles they have when you see them this season. The changes may be surprising, but not uncommon. As individuals age, their bodies …

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