Collier Edition


Tobacco Free Florida is encouraging smokeless tobacco users to set a quit date and create a personalized quit plan during Through with Chew Week. Through with Chew Week is February 18th to the 24th. It is aimed to raise awareness about the dangers of smokeless tobacco use (chew, dip and snus) and the many effective resources available to quit, including Tobacco …

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This Valentine’s Day Give The Gift of Planning

By Bonie Montalvo February, the month of heart-shaped chocolate boxes, teddy bears, and flowers galore. If you are tired of gifting jewelry and chocolates and are looking for a unique “outside the box” gift this Valentine’s Day, give the gift of planning. If You Are Dating Be it that you have dated for one moth or for ten years, in the …

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4 Ways that Your Emotions May be Sabotaging Your Health – Mind, Body, Spirit and Energy

(Taken from Dr. Nickerson’s Holistic Mental Health Coach Training Program). You’ve no doubt heard that stress can contribute to many health issues. The idea that stress is related to physical health was conceived in the late 1960’s when psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe created a stress scale that included 43 typical life events. Over 5,000 medical patients took the survey …

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Traditional Chinese Medicine Effectively Treats Acid Reflux

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Acid reflux is very common in today’s world. Statistics show 60% of the adult population in the United States will experience some type of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD at some point in their lives. Currently there are seven million people in the U.S. living with some form of GERD. Acid reflux is the …

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Regenerative Options Make Sense for Degenerative Arthritis

Have you been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and given limited options? The traditional recommendations often include pain medications, weight loss, cortisone injections, and stopping athletics, while waiting for the joint to degenerate enough to warrant undergoing a joint replacement or fusion surgery. Who really wants to pop pain pills, stop sports, and wait for the joint to degenerate so badly that …

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Do you suffer with Fecal Incontinence?

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG As infants and toddlers, our bowel movements are a cause for celebration bringing relief to parents and grandparents alike. But as we age, these natural bodily functions become a source of embarrassment and even shame for those who suffer with fecal incontinence. According to Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG, a board certified physician specializing in the …

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What Does Your Thyroid Do & Why is it Important?

By John Canterbury, M.D. The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that is located over the trachea (wind pipe) just below the larynx (voice box). The thyroid gland plays a very important role in most all the metabolic processes of the body. The thyroid gland produces a hormone and together the gland and hormone are responsible for regulating metabolism. How Thyroid …

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A Novel Way for Managing Your Chronic Sinus Disease

More than 30 million people in the U.S. are affected by chronic sinusitis.  Each year it’s one of the most common reasons that individuals visit their doctor.  People who suffer from ongoing sinus complications usually have difficulty breathing, contributing to other health disorders. Some of the symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis are: • Nasal obstruction • Difficulty breathing • Postnasal drainage …

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By Dr. Robert Gilliland, DC If you have an enlarged prostate (BPH) or erectile dysfunction (ED) the following information could be life changing! Recent double blind, placebo controlled medical studies have shown this non-invasive, NASA-patented therapy to: • Decrease prostate volume by an average of 57% • Reduce symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) • Reduce symptoms associated with erectile …

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New Year, New You: Amp Up Your Skin Care Routine & Your Life

It’s that time of year again! A time for new beginnings. What are you going to do to make this year better? That’s what countless people are trying to figure out. Attempting diets, exercise routines, spending more time with loved ones, and setting personal goals are all essential in our wellbeing, so Naples Soap Company wants to share their top …

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