Collier Edition

diVa® A Breakthrough Laser Resurfacing Procedure for the Improvement of Vaginal Health

diVa® A Breakthrough Laser Resurfacing Procedure for the Improvement of Vaginal Health

By Andrea Bickerton, M.D. As a woman ages, there are many changes that her body may go through that may affect her vaginal health. The most common changes are childbirth and menopause, but hysterectomy, chemotherapy, and certain medications may also reduce estrogen production and lead to changes as well. Decreased estrogen affects vaginal walls by causing the tissue to become …

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Folic Acid: A Friend to Aging

Folic Acid: A Friend to Aging

By Caroline Cederquist, M.D. Face it. We’re all getting older. It’s a fact of life. Contrary to popular belief, getting older doesn’t mean a decrease in quality of life. You can remain lively, active and mentally sharp. Diet plays a significant role in doing all three. One nutrient, in particular, may be able to help with aging gracefully. Allow us …

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McKenney Home Care: The Importance of Sleep for the Elderly

Getting a good night’s sleep is critical for optimal health. The Side Effects and Complications Associated with sleep disorders are irritability, fatigue, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders, chronic disease, diabetes, depression, behavioral issues, stroke, and brain function impairment. If not rectified, over time, sleep deprivation can lead to heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, and other serious complications. As individuals age, their …

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Food Choices Key to Successful Aging

Food Choices Key to Successful Aging

By Greg Pascucci National Nutrition Month, held annually in March, encourages Americans to make informed food choices and develop sound eating habits. At The Carlisle Naples, a luxury senior living community, residents can savor the flavors of fresh, healthy food choices year-round. Under the leadership of Executive Chef Marlon Perez, The Carlisle provides meals that are not only delicious but …

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By Joseph G. Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI The month of March is DVT awareness month. DVT is an abbreviation for deep vein thrombosis, which is when a blood clot forms in the deep veins of the lower extremities. If left unrecognized or undiagnosed it can progress, can break loose and travel to the lungs which is known as a pulmonary …

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LOOK THE GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH The Danger of Gifting and Long Term Care Planning

By Jennifer M. Tenney, Esq., Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, PA, Elder Law Attorney As many people begin thinking of where to spend their last years in comfort, many see an assisted living home or in-home nursing care as a possibility, even a probability. Most people also worry whether their savings will be enough to pay for the care. Assisted living …

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Holistic Nutrition, a Simple Blueprint for a Healthy Life

Holistic Nutrition, a Simple Blueprint for a Healthy Life

By Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes Reversal & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author Holistic nutrition considers the whole person connecting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of one’s life. Our food choices can give us the energy we need or feed our depression. It can help us heal or lead us to disease. In simple terms, holistic nutrition is …

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After Childbirth Many Women Have a Weakened Pelvic Floor & Urinary Incontinence:

After Childbirth Many Women Have a Weakened Pelvic Floor & Urinary Incontinence:

How EMSELLATM Can Help You By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG After childbirth, the pelvic floor, which protects and supports the internal pelvic organs may become weakened, stretched, less elastic, and less resilient. The weakened pelvic floor muscles can also cause overactive bladder and incontinence issues. 35% of women experience a weakened pelvic floor after childbirth, and this also occurs in …

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End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Linked to Vascular Disease: What You Should Know

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Linked to Vascular Disease: What You Should Know

By Russell Becker, DO, Vascular Surgeon End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a medical condition in which a person’s kidneys cease functioning on a permanent basis leading to the need for a regular course of long-term dialysis or a kidney transplant to maintain life. Cardiovascular disease is a major concern for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), especially those on hemodialysis. …

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Did You Know the Pain in Your Neck Can be Alleviated with Physical Therapy?

Did You Know the Pain in Your Neck Can be Alleviated with Physical Therapy?

The cervical spine is often afflicted with pain and stiffness due to multiple conditions and alignment issues. Commonly arthritis plays a significant role in cervical spine degeneration, which can lead to a limited range of motion and a great deal of pain, but there are other conditions that affect the cervical spine as well. These can include herniated discs, stenosis, …

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