Collier Edition

Important Coronavirus Updates for Ophthalmology Patients

Courtesy of Dr. Taba, Personalized Retina Care of Naples The American Academy of Ophthalmology has released recommendations regarding urgent and nonurgent patient care. According to the statement, all ophthalmologists should cease providing any treatment other than urgent or emergent care immediately. This includes both office-based care and surgical care. For example, intraocular injections for macular degeneration are considered urgent and …

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Decompress: Create and Maintain Wellness, Naturally

By Dr. Linell King Humans are creatures of habit. We find great comfort in familiar routines, reliable schedules; the general predictability that structures our days help us to feel a sense of calm and control. Even while we work hard in our jobs and relationships, stressors in life seem more manageable when we can return to the daily grind of …

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How Physical Therapy Can Help With the Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

How Physical Therapy Can Help With the Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Palm Coast Physical Therapy The average onset of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is around 60 years of age. Approximately 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with PD each year and 15% of those are under the age of 50, which is called “young-onset.” Nearly 1 million people in the U.S. have this chronic and progressive disorder. Although the cause is unknown, the main …

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Cancer Treatment and Lymphedema: What You Need to Know

Cancer Treatment and Lymphedema

The Month of February is dedicated to cancer prevention and awareness. According to the National Cancer Institute, here in the United United States, an estimated 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed each year. Some of the most commonly diagnosed are breast, prostate, lung, and skin cancer. We focus so much on celebrating awareness, screenings, and survivorship throughout the …

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Has Hand Washing Left Your Hands Dry and Cracked?

By Sydney Tateo, DNP, ARNP With the current COVID-19 pandemic going on, we are all obsessing over sanitizing everything, from our hands to all the surfaces they touch. While this practice is critical in breaking the cycle of infection, all of this hand washing has inevitably left us feeling a bit dry. What can be done to combat this issue? …

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Boosting The Immune System: What You Can Do Right Now

Boosting The Immune System

By Catalina Quintero – Certified Holistic Health Coach and Team Beachbody Coach As the immune system becomes weaker, the ability to fight off viruses and bacteria becomes more difficult and problematic. It’s critical to stay healthy and boost the immune system; that’s why, along with good hygiene, so many people are also looking into preventative treatment methods. Each day, we …

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Easter Candy Can Pose Significant Health Issues For Pets

Easter Candy Can Pose Significant Health Issues For Pets

Easter Grass: This time of year often revolves around Easter candy, baskets and egg hunts. When it comes to our pets, Easter grass in those baskets can be rather alluring. Cats and dogs may find it irresistible to play with it and to even try to eat it. This is a major health hazard to the safety of our beloved …

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Modern Methods to SAFELY Help the Hearing Impaired

Modern Methods to SAFELY Help the Hearing Impaired

By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services As we all experience this unprecedented occurrence of the COVID-19 Virus, we are reaching out to offer support to the Hearing Impaired throughout Southwest Florida. If you wish to have service on your hearing aids while maintaining proper “social distancing”, we will be glad to help! We hope you and your loved ones …

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Federal Study Reveals that Lower Blood Pressure Guidelines Could Save Lives

Federal Study Reveals that Lower Blood Pressure Guidelines Could Save Lives

By John Canterbury, M.D. This past September, federal health officials declared they had “potentially lifesaving information.” The information they were referring to was pertaining to a major blood pressure study. They ended the study more than a year ahead of schedule because they conclusively answered a question cardiologists have puzzled over for decades: How low should blood pressure go? According …

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LASER Gum Disease Treatment – The alternative to Surgery

LASER Gum Disease Treatment – The alternative to Surgery

By Juan Teodoro, D.M.D. – Periodontal disease affects four out of five people over the age of 35. In its early stages it’s known as gingivitis, and if it progresses to a chronic condition it can result in periodontitis, which affects the bones surrounding the teeth. When left untreated it causes bone destruction, which can result in the loss of …

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