Collier Edition

Do You Have Leg Ulcers That Are Not Healing Well?

By Russell Becker, DO, Vascular Surgeon The restriction of blood flow damages nerve areas and reduces sensation. Many times, PAD results in arterial ulcers due to a lack of blood flow to the tissue via damaged arteries. Venous reflux can damage veins due to an insufficient amount of blood returning back to the heart and depriving the legs of adequate …

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An Introduction to Functional Medicine

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP I am writing this article in June of 2020 and the world is in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic. We have lived through social isolation for weeks and months and have been told to stay away from other people. Our world is changing at a rapid pace and so is the …

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By DR. DANIEL WASSERMAN Mother’s Day is behind us and Father’s Day is approaching, so now is probably a good time to highlight trends in men’s approach to their looks. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, men accounted for nearly 10% of the total cosmetic procedures in 2013. This was a 273% increase from 1997! In a …

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Diabetes, an Underlying Health Issue That Can Change Your Life

By Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes Reversal & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author As a country, we have been on an emotional roller coaster ride waiting for the next horrible announcement regarding the coronavirus. Rightly being concerned having an underlying condition has greatly added to our fears. Fear can put us in a tailspin or be an awakening. Why would …

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Is Recency Bias Swaying Your Investing Decisions?

Investing DecisionsInvesting Decisions

Provided by Nina Azwoir When making investing decisions, it may seem like we have to predict the future. Unless you have a secret time machine, it is an impossible task. When we are faced with difficult decisions, especially during times of uncertainty and volatility, our minds take shortcuts. For example, when we are trying to predict the future, our minds …

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Hurricane Season: What To Pack Now For Your Pet

Hurricane Season

Officially, hurricane season starts June first and ends November 30th; however, the experts are already predicting an early and very active hurricane season. As we make plans to prepare for tropical storms and hurricanes, it’s imperative to have a plan set in place not only for us and our families safety, but also for our pets. After all, they are …

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When You Are At Your Wits End

When You Are At Your Wits End

Have you ever been at your wits’ end?  Have you ever been so confused that you didn’t really know which way was up?  Have you ever had the feeling, “I know I need to do something…but I don’t know what ‘something’ to do.” The Bible tells the story of a group of sailors who went out to sea and encountered …

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Not All Heroes Wear Capes 21st Century Oncology Thanks Frontline Workers

Not All Heroes Wear Capes 21st Century Oncology

21st Century Oncology would like to personally thank everyone on the frontline for their efforts during the COVID-19 crisis. The doctors, first responders, nurses, therapists, custodial workers, medical insurance processors, cashiers, food delivers, truck drivers, chefs, volunteers, mail deliverers, military, and all other people in our local community and across the borders of our states, you are respected and honored …

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No other field of medicine is changing as rapidly as oncology. Over the past decade, literally dozens of new medicines and new approaches for treating cancer have been developed, and this has resulted in many more people surviving cancer than ever before. According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2020, there are over 15 million cancer survivors in the United …

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Modifying Child Support in Florida

By Kenneth V. Mundy, Esq. After a divorce with minor children or an action for the determination of paternity in Florida, a court will issue a child support order. The child support order will clearly identify the financial responsibilities each parent must meet for their children’s food, education, housing, healthcare, and other living expenses. As you and your co-parent’s life …

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