Collier Edition

The Four Horsemen of Disease

The Four Horsemen of Disease

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Welcome to part three of my functional medicine series. In part one (June 2020), I defined and explained functional medicine. In part two (July 2020), I discussed the three major triggers of illness and the three organ systems that they affect. Today, I will be talking about the four horsemen of disease. The …

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Is Recency Bias Swaying Your Investing Decisions?

Is Recency Bias Swaying Your Investing Decisions

Provided by Nina Azwoir When making investing decisions, it may seem like we have to predict the future. Unless you have a secret time machine, it is an impossible task. When we are faced with difficult decisions, especially during times of uncertainty and volatility, our minds take shortcuts. For example, when we are trying to predict the future, our minds …

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Chronic Lower Back Aches: Getting You REAL Pain Relief

Chronic Lower Back Aches: Getting You REAL Pain Relief

Nicolas Perez, M.D. – Korunda Pain Management Center August is National Relaxation Month, but that can be difficult to do when you’re faced with daily lingering pain. One of the most widespread forms of chronic pain is low back pain. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of low back pain. As the spinal joints and discs break down, …

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August is Psoriasis Awareness Month

August is Psoriasis Awareness Month

By Sydney Tateo, DNP, APRN Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by an overactive immune system which causes skin cells to build up. The excess skin cells accumulate to form red, inflamed, plaques. Some individuals may develop a type of psoriasis which also affects the joints, called psoriatic arthritis. Treatment for psoriasis has come a long way. For small focal …

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Helping Patients Live with Parkinson’s

Helping Patients Live with Parkinson’s

Each year, doctors diagnose 60,000 new cases of Parkinson’s disease (PD). With advances in pharmacology and surgery giving PD patients longer lives and increased motor function, interventions to prepare family caregivers, empower patients in their daily lives, and improve patient peace of mind become more involved. While many patients live more than 20 years after the diagnosis, the median survival …

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Different Types of Business Entities are Available in Florida… Which is best for you?

Business Entities are Available in Florida

By Shay S. Raja, Esq. There are several business entities options available in Florida. These include corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), general partnerships, limited partnerships, and sole proprietorships. So, which is best for you? The best course of action is to discuss with an attorney what you hope to accomplish in setting up your business to determine what type of …

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Physicians Regional Welcomes Cardiothoracic Surgeon Dennis Stapleton, M.D.

Cardiothoracic Surgeon Dennis Stapleton

Physicians Regional Healthcare System is excited to welcome cardiothoracic surgeon Dennis Stapleton, M.D. to their medical staff. Dr. Stapleton, along with long-time colleague, Scot Schultz, MD., will be one of two cardiothoracic surgeons heading the cardiac team at the newly expanded open-heart program at Physicians Regional. Graduating from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, Stapleton then earned his medical degree …

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What’s New at Physicians Regional? Open Heart Program to Debut this Month

What’s New at Physicians Regional

Physicians Regional Healthcare System will be unveiling their new open heart program this month at their Pine Ridge location. Physicians Regional’s expanded center for cardiovascular care will include advanced surgical equipment and technologies allowing a full range of invasive and interventional cardiology procedures. Clinical care is being enhanced with a dedicated cardiovascular intensive care unit for open heart surgery patients …

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Ready For Change: Your Health Matters

Ready For Change

By Dr. Linell King So, you have decided that it’s time to improve your health. Perhaps you realize that your current physical state or condition will not be sustainable for the long-term. Or, have you realized that if you keep doing things the way you are now, you will continue to see your health and wellness steadily decline? You might …

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Tips for Staying Healthy & Active While Social Distancing

aging amid coronavirus

By Greg Pascucci This uncertain time has created new challenges for embracing the dimensions of wellness associated with healthy aging. Thankfully, technology (and a little creativity) can help bridge the gap until the country returns to a new normal. Here are a few tips for successful aging amid coronavirus: Spiritually Research shows spirituality plays a significant role in our lives …

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