Collier Edition

ARHI: Clinical Study on COVID-19

Clinical Study on COVID-19

ARHI (Advanced Research for Health Improvement) is participating in a comprehensive trial for COVID-19 in the areas of diagnostics, treatments and vaccinations. The Covid-19 clinical trials are underway here in southwest Florida through ARHI, which will be the leading research site for those studies that will commence at the end of October. These trials will be done in collaboration with …

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Diabetic Eye Disease: Why do you need a dilated eye exam?

Diabetic Eye Disease

Dr. Katia Taba of Personalized Retina Care of Naples said, “The retina is a layer of neural tissue in the back of the eye. Its ten layers  of cells contain synaptic interconnections between neurons, and it is responsible for brain communication, image acquiring, circadian rhythm regulation, light detection, and neural plasticity.” “The importance of the retina to a medical professional …

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Treating Depression with SPRAVATO™ (Esketamine)

Treating Depression

What is SPRAVATO™ (Esketamine)? SPRAVATO™ is the trade name for the prescription medicine Esketamine. Unlike regular Ketamine that is usually administered Intravenously (IV), SPRAVATO™ is administered intra-nasally. SPRAVATO™ was FDA approved in March of 2019 for Treatment Resistant Depression and on August 3, 2020 was approved in adults with Major Depressive Disorder with acute suicidal ideation or behavior.   Because …

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What Does Your Prediabetes Diagnosis Suggest?

By Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes Reversal & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author What does one find searching the Internet to explain prediabetes? According to, prediabetes is when your blood sugar level is higher than it should be but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. It may be referred to as impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose …

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Solutions for the Turkey Neck

Turkey Neck

By Anne Marie Tremaine, MD This time of year, those darn turkeys always remind us of our own aging necks. The neck ages more rapidly than other areas of the body. The skin on the neck is thinner, delicate, and more sensitive skin that is quickly affected by sun exposure, smoking, and simply, time. Ultraviolet light not only causes red …

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What is a Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm?

The thorax is the chest cavity, and when an aneurysm forms, there are often no symptoms; however, it is a progressive disorder that can be a life-threatening diagnosis. The aorta is the body’s largest blood vessel that begins in the heart, extends down to the pelvic region, and branches out into the legs. Its function is to carry oxygenated blood …

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An Ounce of Prevention Could Mean More than a Pound of Cure With ED


It’s never too early (or late) to start thinking about taking care of your sex life By Dr. Carolina Young Ortiz Have you ever wondered if it was just an off night? Maybe wondering if stress or lifestyle is keeping you from living your best life? Especially in the bedroom? ED can have a myriad of causes, but all result …

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November is National Pet Wellness Month

November is National Pet Wellness Month

Keeping our pets healthy and providing the best longevity via wellness and safety takes a lot of work, but it’s incredibly important to help them age well. These things include keeping vaccinations up to date, getting annual wellness visits, taking them to the veterinarian if they are sick or seem to be acting strangely, keeping them safe, feeding them a …

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Ready To Sell Your Home?

Ready To Sell Your Home

Many Seniors Are Making The Transition And Leaving The Responsibilities Of Home Maintenance Behind The real estate market here in Florida is in an upmarket, to say the least. There is an influx of buyers from other states and the inventory is low—Some homes are selling within just a few days of being listed. Have you thought about selling your …

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The Great American Smokeout: It’s time to QUIT Smoking

The Great American Smokeout

With the annual Great American Smokeout taking place November 19, Tobacco Free Florida in Collier County is using this observance to encourage people to make a plan to quit smoking using the free tools and services available to Floridians. Tracing its history back more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout marks a date when smokers are …

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