Collier Edition

Preventing Falls With Physical Therapy & an Advanced Machine That Measures Strength & Imbalance

By Dr. Bryan Hunte Every movement our bodies make requires communication between the brain and the muscles. When injury, disease, and weakness affect any part of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, neuromuscular disorder can lead to loss of function. My patients that fall a lot typically, have pain in the knees, hips, or lower back combined with wear and tear …

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Should I Get Screened for Prostate Cancer?

Should I Get Screened for Prostate Cancer

Written by Gabrielle Sellitti You may have heard conflicting information about prostate cancer screenings. There has been an ongoing debate on whether or not the PSA test in the routine annual prostate cancer screening is necessary. In 2018, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) made recommendations that men aged 55 to 69 years should individually decide if they need …

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The Keto Diet

The Keto Diet

We briefly explore the pros and cons to this very popular diet as well as what we recommend here at Cederquist Medical. By Cederquist Medical Wellness Center Ketogenic Diet A.K.A. the “Keto” Diet You can probably name at least one person in your social circle who has tried the “keto” diet. In this article, we’ll explore what it is, review …

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Demystifying Medicare

Demystifying Medicare

Courtesy of: Juan Ocanas, Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley Between 2000 and 2015, global average life expectancy increased by five years, the fastest increase since the 1960s.1 Today, a 60-year-old man has a 63 percent chance of reaching age 85, while a 60-year-old woman has a 71 percent likelihood. If you’re a married couple and each of you are 60 …

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How Stress Affects the Skin Naples Soap Company

Naples Soap Company

Many people have been under a great deal of stress recently. With all of the adverse health disorders associated with psychological stress and anxiety, people often overlook the impact that stress can have on the skin. Recent research has confirmed skin is both an immediate stress perceiver and a target of stress responses.1 As the largest organ of the body, …

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How The Quality of Sleep Affects Our Health

Sleep Affects

There is more and more interest by the general public about sleep hygiene and the effects of good sleep on one’s overall health. If you aren’t aware of the adverse health effects, they are nothing to be ignored. The more you know about sleep quality, the better your chances of preventing some of these conditions. Issues with insomnia often stem …

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Don’t Let Incontinence Interfere with Your Sex Life

Sex Life

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG Thanks to modern technology and treatment options, you don’t have to let loss of bladder control interfere with your life any longer. With proper treatment you will no longer spend time planning the fastest route to the nearest restroom in hopes of avoiding an accident. Not only can incontinence sabotage your daily activities, it can …

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Men’s Health: Why You Need to Stay on Top of Your Medical Exams

Men’s Health

The month of November is also referred to as MOVEMBER for Men’s Health. We often hear jokes that men prefer to stay away from the doctor, but more and more men have become proactive about their healthcare than ever before, which allows for healthier lifestyle choices and earlier diagnosis. Men taking the lead on their health is always better for …

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Medicare Open Enrollment: It’s Time to Review and Make Changes to Your Plan

Getting the most from your health plan is important to many seniors, but it is not always easy to navigate your way through all of the benefit plans and options. Your plan choices may vary depending on the county in which you live, the medical conditions you have, and your financial status. It is essential to review your benefits each …

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­­Inflammation: When the Truth Hurts


By Dr. Linell King Most of us have heard that diabetes, dementia, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, and many other chronic ailments  are often linked to some modifiable lifestyle factors. Sometimes these diseases can be prevented altogether, and occasionally, (under certain circumstances) completely reversed.  Many unknowingly accept their diagnoses, blaming conditions on factors outside of their control, such as age, genetic …

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