Collier Edition

Prendiville Facial Plastic Surgery Joins Quigley Eye Specialists

Prendiville Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Stephen Prendiville and his staff have joined Quigley Eye Specialists as part of the new cosmetic surgery division. Dr Prendiville is now the medical director of the new division that also includes the Assuage Luxury Spa in Fort Myers and The Q iLASIK and Med Spa in Naples that was founded in 2013. “Dr. Prendiville has …

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Regenerative Medicine for Knee Pain

By Richard Hiler, DABCN Knee pain is a common complaint that causes individuals to seek medical care; however, many specialists will only treat the knee, but this can be damaging for the patient’s progress and outcome, as knee pain is usually much more involved systemically. Feel Amazing Institute sees many patients that have acute or chronic knee pain. Whether it’s …

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It’s Flu Season – What You Should Know

It’s Flu Season - What You Should Know

With COVID-19 still lingering in our midst, it’s critical to take extra precautions when it comes to the flu this year. influenza is a highly contagious upper respiratory illness. Getting vaccinated against the virus is imperative and getting the vaccination early will help to stave off your chances of becoming infected before you get the immunization. We’re not sure how …

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Boost Your Immunity

Boost Your Immunity

By Cederquist Medical Wellness Center Let’s talk about immune support. There’s a conundrum of scientific papers, articles, opinionated blogs, etc. that touch on the matter of immune health, especially during this unprecedented time of COVID-19. Today, your trusty Cederquist team dives into the depths of evidence-based, peer-reviewed research in order to provide top-quality advice regarding which supplements we believe to …

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How to Keep your Heart Healthy through the Holidays

Heart Healthy

By Gabrielle Sellitti In the midst of all the wrapping, baking, and clicking from store to store (online shopping this year!), we tend to lose track of our healthy lifestyles during the holidays. We all seem to be moving at a faster pace than usual, stressed from the unorganized pile of receipts that we don’t dare calculate, and ignoring our …

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Create and Maintain Wellness, Naturally

By Dr. Linell King Humans are creatures of habit.  We find great comfort in familiar routines, reliable schedules; the general predictability that structures our days help us to feel a sense of calm and control. Even while we work hard in our jobs and relationships, stressors in life seem more manageable when we can return to the daily grind of …

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Five Things to Consider When Moving to a Senior Community

Five Things to Consider When Moving to a Senior Community

Although holiday celebrations and observances may look a bit different this year due to social distancing, it’s still the perfect time for older adults and their families to discuss their current or future housing and health care needs. Beginning the conversation may be daunting, especially for children who may feel their role in the relationship has been reversed as they …

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Dial Back Your Real Age

Dial Back Your Real Age

By Sebastien Saitta American comedian, award-winning actor and best-selling writer, George Burns said it best. “ You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” Burns, who lived and even worked to 100 years old, understood that the number of candles you blow out on your birthday does not determine how old you are. In fact, we …

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Neck and Back Pain: How Advanced Spineworks is Helping Numerous Patients Find Relief Without Surgery

Dr. Bryan Hunte – Advanced Spineworks Dr. Bryan Hunte and his team at Advanced Spinework’s mission is to help you avoid surgery, get pain relief, heal naturally, and emerge stronger than ever! Similar to physical therapy, chiropractic care delivers powerful pain relief and restored function, movement, and balance, but it focuses on spinal manipulation without drugs or surgery. By properly …

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Diabetes or Depression? What Your Symptoms May Be Telling You

Diabetes or Depression

By Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes Reversal & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author People with diabetes are 2 to 3 times more likely to have depression than people without diabetes. Unfortunately, only 25% to 50% of diabetes patients who have depression get diagnosed and treated. Getting a diabetes diagnosis can be like a roller coaster ride. Consistent glucose levels can …

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