Collier Edition

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

By Candice A. Kepich, DPM – Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a flat band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes and stretches to support the arch of your foot which each step. Overstretching or strain causes the fascia to become thickened, swollen, inflamed and in some cases …

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Living with Lewy Body?

Lewy Body

With 6 million Americans already diagnosed with Alzheimer ’s disease, a growing number of these individuals also have a lesser known form of Dementia called Lewy Body Dementia or LBD. Lewy Body proteins can be found in Alzheimer’s patients, Parkinson’s patients or can be independent diagnosis. This medical condition takes on strong characteristics of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and unfortunately, is …

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4 Easy Ways to Regroup After Holiday Eating

By Cederquist Medical Wellness Center Even with the best of intentions, all of us indulge a little more than we planned over the holidays. We promise ourselves not to drink so much, or eat so many desserts, but somehow it just slips right through our hands, and into our mouths! Afterward, we are left feeling bloated, a little ill, and …

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Physical Therapy for Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Orthopedic Rehabilitation

After injuries, joint replacement surgery or soft tissue repair, physical therapy paves the way for healing, return to normal function, range of motion and rebuilding strength. One common condition treated in Physical Therapy clinics is rotator cuff injury or repair. Rotator Cuff Injuries: How Physical Therapy Can Help A very frequent injury site is the shoulder joint. The shoulder is …

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Do You Need a Little Something to Brighten Your Day?

It’s been about five months now that we’ve been safely confined to the comforts of our homes. Many people are now starting to go back into the workforce and other activities, while others will be continuing their face-to-face meetings with co-workers via video chat platforms for a while longer. Of course, we’re not going to back to our “normal” sense …

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Compounded Hormone Replacement Therapy

Compounded Hormone Replacement Therapy

Upon aging, women will start to experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance, which can be related to perimenopause, menopause, postmenopause, giving birth or from a hysterectomy. Females tend to experience an imbalance of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone, which can lead to hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, brain fog, weight gain, loss of muscle, irritability and bone deficiency. Bone loss in …

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Self-Care Gifts for the Holidays Naples Soap Company

Naples soap

If there has ever been a time to give gifts to help you or your loved ones to relax – 2020 is undoubtedly it. It’s been a crazy year that has felt like it will never end. We’ve been consumed by the headlines in the midst of a global pandemic, natural disasters, economic instability and overall unrest. To think of …

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Holiday Travel – What You Need to Know

Holiday Travel

By Dr. Alejandro Blanco Accidents can happen anytime, but during the holidays, they are even more prevalent. With people hustling and rushing to shop, events and cocktail hours, accidents are inevitable. Time Matters Accident victims have only 14 days from the time of an accident to see a doctor if you want insurance to cover your medical fees. Internal Medicine …

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Holly Jolly Heartburn

Holly Jolly Heartburn

By Gabrielle Sellitti Thanksgiving marks the start of all the holiday indulgences. What’s not to love about a holiday revolved around food, am I right? Foods that are richer in fat like creamy mashed potatoes and greasy Thanksgiving turkey drizzled with gravy can quickly trigger acid reflux. Unfortunately, the table only gets more buttery when you snowball on top the …

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What is this thing called ‘Energy’, and why should I care?


By Svetlana Kogan, M.D. There are many more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt in your philosophy. Shakespeare. Hamlet. 1.5. What images are evoked in your head when you pronounce the word ‘energy’? Most of us would think of power-lines, lightning, storms, rockets, nuclear explosions, power stations and most recently, energy bars and drinks. Not surprisingly, the …

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