Collier Edition

New Year- Health Goals: Why You Should Make Your Medical Appointments Now

New Year- Health Goals

It’s the new year, and most of us want to make changes and learn to stick to our resolutions for our health and fitness goals, but what about your annual appointments? Are you putting them off or ignoring them due to fears of the pandemic? This is a common concern for many patients, but one that purports more risk to …

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New Take on an Old Procedure: Mini PCNL

New Take on an Old Procedure

If you’re someone who is familiar with kidney stones or have a loved one who suffers from them, you may know a procedure that is typically performed is called a Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL). The word ‘percutaneous’ means the surgeon will go through the skin into the kidney, and ‘nephrolithotomy’ means that the stone will be taken out of the kidney. …

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Keeping Your Immune System in Peak Form is Essential: What Can Help?

Immune System

Keeping your immune system in peak per­formance is critical during our current pandemic and at this time of year in general. If you are planning to travel, it’s even more important to stay healthy. Dr. Martinez of Well-Be­ing Medical Center says, “Staying healthy can’t be stressed enough during your travels. No one wants to trek long distances when they are …

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Give Your Brain a Boost with Power 9®

Brain a Boost

By Sebastien Saitta As we go into the new year, so many get caught up in what they can do to improve their physical health, and to get into better shape, but this often causes brain health to be overlooked. It’s important to consider ways to keep your brain functioning at it’s very best so you can live a long, …

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New Year, New Mental Focus

New Year, New Mental Focus

By Dr. Linell King The new year is a great time to reevaluate life and priorities. Historically it has been a season of changes, resolutions, and the desire to be a better version of yourself. However, after a year like 2020, this new year has everyone less than excited and even questioning the possibility of new beginnings. Maybe you have …

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In with the Good, Out with the Bad

Naples Soap Company

Naples Soap Company 2021 is here, and it’s time for a fresh start! We’re all accustomed to making New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier, give up bad habits and make other lifestyle changes. But, there’s one health-related resolution that never makes the list: a pledge to take better care of your skin! It’s surprising that skincare …

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Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A. Attorneys at Law Celebrates 50 Years OF Serving our Clients, and our Community

Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A., Attorneys at Law

Spanning from 1971 to 2021, Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A., Attorneys at Law (WPL) is proud to have served and will continue to serve you as their top priority. At WPL, our attorneys have lived and worked in Southwest Florida for decades and possess a vast knowledge of the law and a first-hand understanding of how the law intersects with …

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Value of Senior Living Communities: Now & Into the Future

Senior Living Communities

By Greg Pascucci These are undoubtedly unprecedented times that have caused many of us to re-evaluate our health, wellbeing and what is most important to us. For many, the connection that can be offered by a senior living community has become a new priority. And, with the new year, it’s the perfect time to move forward with these decisions. Among …

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It’s the New Year! Isn’t It Time You Finally Did Something About Your Chronic Pain?

Chronic Pain

Advanced Spineworks is Helping Numerous Patients Find Relief Without Surgery Most of us were glad to wave good riddance to 2020, and with the New Year in full swing, isn’t it time you finally did something about your chronic pain? Resolve to stop masking your symptoms with harmful drugs that are never going to treat the root cause of your …

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NAD IV Infusion for Immune Function and Optimal Healthy Aging

IV Infusion

By Dr. Carolina Young Ortiz Adaptive and innate immunity are essential to how your body protects you against foreign invaders. Your adaptive immunity is within your tissues and has memory as to how if fought off infections and illnesses from the past. Your innate immunity is how well your body fights off a new infection by utilizing antimicrobial and host …

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