Collier Edition

Do You Have A Thyroid Disorder?

Do You Have A Thyroid Disorder

By Josephine V. Jasper, MD F.A.C.E. During your yearly physical, did you ever wonder why the physician places their hand on your throat and asks you to swallow? This common test allows Your doctor to check for thyroid nodules. Although thyroid nodules are extremely common and usually benign, there are growing numbers of people with thyroid cancer and other thyroid …

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Peripheral Neuropathy: Treating The Cause of The Condition is Key

By Richard Hiler, DABCN Do you have numbness or tingling in your arms, hands, legs, feet, or toes? Perhaps you are constantly dealing with inflammation, non-healing wounds, or burning sensations. If you have any of these issues, it’s essential to seek medical attention as these are frequently warning signs of peripheral neuropathy. It’s not uncommon; 20 million Americans have peripheral …

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COVID 19: Private Duty Home Care Has Less transmission Rates Than Facilities

Several ongoing studies are finding that higher COVID-19 risks and exposures in health care settings, such as nursing homes is most likely due to gathering and congregate areas, and the shear fact that they are a multi-bed facility that doesn’t always comply with PPE and hygiene protocols due to the numerous staff members and vendors that come and go and …

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Heart Health Awareness Month Why You Need to LOVE Your Heart More

You Need to LOVE

February is the month that we celebrate LOVE with chocolates, candlelit dinners, and bouquets of roses, but before those candies melt, or the flowers fade, it’s essential to think about our beating hearts, because February is also Heart Health Awareness Month, and what better time to get serious about prevention. Did you know that after the age of twenty, our …

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Giving Your Time, Talent and Resources

Courtesy of: Juan Ocanas, Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley What mark do you want to leave on the world? What are the values that drive you? What matters most? Whether it’s your time, talent, or making a contribution, giving back can be one of life’s greatest rewards. Philanthropy is being democratized. Individual donors have never been more empowered to make …

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Carlisle Residents “Get Moving” to Improve Health & Wellness

Luxury Rental Retirement Living

By Greg Pascucci As Americans continue to search for the elusive “Fountain of Youth,” residents at The Carlisle Naples, a luxury active retirement community, know it’s the walk to the fountain that will keep you young and feeling young at heart! Bernita Smith enjoyed running as a form of exercise throughout her life and, though her pace has slowed now …

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The Heart Center at Physicians Regional Now Offers Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG)

Artery Bypass Surgery

By Gabrielle Sellitti We’ve all heard that lifestyle changes such as eating healthy can reverse the effects of heart disease, but sometimes eating cabbage doesn’t always cut it- at least not the edible cabbage. CABG, which stands for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, also called “cabbage” is a type of surgery used to improve blood flow to the heart and is …

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Managing Pain

Managing Pain

When you think about the traditional way of managing pain, you probably think of seeing a specialist who will prescribe you medication to treat your symptoms. Sure, this may temporarily alleviate your pain, but what happens when it comes back or worsens? For most, this means more medication and going down a rabbit hole that is difficult to crawl out …

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Steps to Obtaining Florida Residency

Obtaining Florida Residency

By Shay S. Raja, Florida Business and Real Estate Attorney Whether you are splitting time between Florida and another state for pleasure, business, school, or for retirement, there are benefits to obtaining Florida Residency, and much of that is attributed to taxes. For example, if you own a home up north but have a home here in Florida to escape …

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How is AMD Diagnosed and Treated?

Dr. Katia Taba, Board-Certified Ophthalmologist and Retinal Specialist During an eye exam, your ophthalmologist may ask you to look at an Amsler grid. This grid helps you notice any blurry, distorted, or blank spots in your field of vision. Your ophthalmologist will also look inside your eye through a special lens. He or she can see if there are changes …

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