Collier Edition

Colonoscopies are Critical and Life-Saving


Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the United States, affecting nearly 50,000 Americans each year. If caught early on, it can easily be treated. Typically, there are little to no signs or symptoms of the polyps, so it’s critical to have colonoscopies on an annual basis after the age of 50. However, younger people are …

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A Career of Smiles

A Career of Smiles

By Susan Anderson, EdD, RDH We know the value of a nice smile. A nice smile is a confidence-booster, both personally and professionally. A nice smile can change a person’s outlook on life. There’s a way for you to help others achieve and maintain that smile. It’s a rewarding start to a career in the dental field, with room to …

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What is Investing with Impact?

Courtesy of: Juan Ocanas, Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley You can help create economic, social and environmental change through your investment portfolio without sacrificing financial performance. Investing with Impact represents a vibrant and fast-growing approach to investing for individuals and institutions that want to have a positive impact on environmental and social issues. Enthusiasm for this type of investing is …

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Boost Your Mood with the Right Food Foods that Naturally Increase Dopamine & Serotonin

Boost Your Mood

By Cederquist Medical Wellness Center Right along with positive thinking and taking negative thoughts captive, the right foods can help boost the feel-good chemicals in your brain that help you beat the blues, specifically those chemicals associated with depression. When your brain is lacking the right foods, it may have a more difficult time producing dopamine and serotonin. Certain nutrients, …

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Care Managers Advocate for Seniors – and their Caregivers

Care Managers Advocate for Seniors

In the past, extended families often shared the job of tending to their senior loved ones. These days, families may live farther apart, and the responsibility for care can fall on one overwhelmed family member. The good news is that Care Managers can help. These professionals, sometimes called “aging life care managers,” are usually licensed nurses or social workers trained …

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The CoreFit Wellness studio has a great combination of treatments to help individuals lose stubborn belly fat with Cryotherapy and targeted muscle toning. The treatment consists of Cryo-Slimming, which is a fat reduction treatment from our Cryo-T-Shock machine. Cryo-Slimming safely and effectively uses thermal shock to naturally destroy fat cells without any damage to the skin. The Cryo-T-Shock breaks down …

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By Lenore T. Brakefield, Florida Government Relations and Community Association Law Attorney The number one rule is:  Do not ignore this notice. The notice of violation provides the roadmap of what is to come. This roadmap is important because each jurisdiction has its own process for handling code enforcement issues. Even though Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, sets forth a quasi-judicial …

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Pain Management: How Advanced Spineworks is Succeeding Where Others Have Failed When it Comes to Pain.


Pain management is highly sought after by droves of patients, and most will say that they suffer pain in similar areas chronically. Neck and lower back pain are the most common and account for 20 percent of all medical doctor visits. Pain, unfortunately, is a necessary component of the healing process, but if the cause is never addressed, then the …

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Advanced TCA Peels at Aesthetic Treatment Centers of Naples

CA Peels at Aesthetic

Do you feel like your skin is dull, lifeless, and you’ve lost your coloring and tone? Are you tired of trying to hide large pores with primers or acne scars with heavy concealer? You don’t always have to undergo plastic surgery or invasive procedures to get glowing skin. There are advanced alternative aesthetic treatment options that work. Aesthetic Treatment Centers …

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“Let Food Be Thy Medicine” – Hippocrates

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

By Jamie Kliewe In today’s fast paced and technological world we have access to so much data and information that can either bless or curse us depending onhow we use it. One thing that we cannot fast track is our health, especially when it comes to nutrition. As much as modern medicine has offered the world in the realm of …

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