Collier Edition

If You Have Neuropathy, There Are Alternative Treatment Options That Have Helped Numerous Patients Enjoy Life Again without Tingling And Pain

If you’ve been diagnosed with neuropathy, you most likely have an underlying condition that you are trying to treat as well. Most people with peripheral neuropathy, start out with some tingling sensations in the legs, but the disorder often progresses to become painful and a hindrance to daily activities. If left untreated, it can become debilitating and even life-threatening. In …

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April is National Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Awareness Month, a time to learn more about this progressive disorder and the resources and support that is available to the SWFL community through the Parkinson’s Association of SWFL (PASWFL). Every nine minutes someone in our community is diagnosed. PD — which affects the central nervous system — is the fastest growing disorder in …

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For the Love of Pets: Older Adults Benefit from Pet Ownership

Love of Pets

By Greg Pascucci One of the common questions older adults ask when considering a move to a senior living community is, “Does the community allow pets?” With research continuing to support the overwhelming benefits of pet ownership, prospective residents are thrilled to learn the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” Studies have shown pets play a significant role in the health …

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Helping Patients Live with Parkinson’s


Each year, doctors diagnose 60,000 new cases of Parkinson’s disease (PD). With advances in pharmacology and surgery giving PD patients longer lives and increased motor function, interventions to prepare family caregivers, empower patients in their daily lives, and improve patient peace of mind become more involved. While many patients live more than 20 years after the diagnosis, the median survival …

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The Herbal Treatment Of Sleep Apnea

Herbal Treatment

Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disturbance problems in America. It ruins the sleep of 25 million Americans with likely millions more un-diagnosed sufferers. The condition prevents the sleeper from entering REM and Delta sleep causing them to become anxious, cantankerous and tired during the day. There are very serious health consequences of prolonged sleep disturbance and …

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Stress is killing us… literally

Stress is killing us

By Tom Everts PA-C, IFMCP Remember the last time you were stuck in traffic? The feeling as you check the clock over and over again? We know this sensation as stress. But stress is more than an emotion. The domino effect that stress has on your body is an amazing evolutionary tool, and very useful in short bursts. For example, …

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Planning for the Unexpected: Protecting Yourself and Your Family with Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Courtesy of: Juan Ocanas, Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley For many of us, estate planning is something we know we should do but often manage to postpone until some indefinite time in the future. But, putting off this part of your financial life could mean passing over an opportunity to protect the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to create and …

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Ways To Minimize Stress And Get Better Sleep

Minimize Stress

Tips to Help You Reduce Stress and Improve Your Sleep By Cederquist Medical Wellness Center Stress and sleep are not too commonly thought about when dealing with topics involving health and well-being. The truth is sleep and stress levels can affect everything from chronic disease risk, mood, and overall energy levels. Today, we’ll discuss how high levels of stress and …

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STRESS: What it’s Really Doing to Your Body & Mind


With the pace of today’s world, we often experience immense intervals of stress and anxiety. Many people find it difficult to stay organized, we may begin to procrastinate, or we can feel out of control. Over time, we often experience false beliefs such as, “I’m not good enough,” “I’ll never complete this task,” “I can’t stop overeating,” “I need alcohol …

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Making Every Second Count

Making Every Second Count

By Dr. Jeffrey Ziomek, DPA, EMT-P What can you do in seven minutes (or 420 seconds)? The answer is plenty. Some examples include drinking a glass of water, updating your voicemail, emptying your dishwasher, taking out the trash and recycling, or writing a note. For a paramedic, seven minutes is the average response time from a 9-1-1 call to arriving …

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