Collier Edition

Are You a Wizard? Summer is Your Time to Shine!

Time to Shine

As the seasons change, so does the type of energy that influences the earth. Chinese medicine explains the cycle of the different aspects of the universal energy, or Qi (pronounced “chee”), in terms of 5 elements. These 5 elements are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Each element is associated with a season and a personality-type that embodies the energy …

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What You Should Know About Medical Marijuana

What You Should Know About Medical Marijuana

There are two different forms of medical treatment through cannabis. The first is the natural marijuana plant that contains both CBD and TCH, and the second is the altered version of the plant that has been through a hybrid process to lighten the TCH (tetrahydrocannabinol) level. CBD or cannabinoids can treat many different forms of diseases and disorders with no …

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Newest Internal Medicine Physician, Dr. Jozsef Piri Speaks on Men’s Health Month

Newest Internal Medicine Physician

June is Men’s Health Month, a national observance used to raise awareness about health care for men and focus on encouraging boys, men and their families to practice and implement healthy living decisions. Physicians Regional Medical Group’s newest board certified internal medicine physician, Dr. Jozsef Piri encourages men to take control of their health not only this month, but all …

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7 Questions Cancer Patients Should Ask their Doctor Before Starting Radiation Treatments

7 Questions Cancer Patients

By Dr. Arie Dosoretz When a doctor confirms that you have cancer, all sorts of thoughts and questions are bound to run through your head. Was it discovered early enough? What is the survival rate? Will health insurance cover treatment costs? What happens if the cancer spreads? Cancer is one of the scariest diagnoses imaginable, but a vast majority of …

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Relief and Well-Being With Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

By Dr. Scott Walters At the core of chiropractic care is the nervous system and the spine. Every cell, tissue, organ and cell in your body is controlled by the nervous system. It causes your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, and your eyes to blink, often without you even being conscious of doing so. Proper spinal alignment is …

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Preventative Screenings: Why You Should Schedule Yours Today

Preventative Screenings

It’s normal to be nervous about your annual screenings, but having a sense of relief when hearing your results can put your mind at ease. Screenings in general are a great preventative tool that patients often neglect which can lead to an abnormality actually becoming cancer. Some screening tests can be done in an office setting and are associated with …

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Nutrition for Men’s Health

Nutrition for Men’s Health

By Cederquist Medical Wellness Center Cederquist Medical Wellness Center specializes in nutritional approaches to weight loss.  We see many women who are concerned about wellness and take immediate action when they see a gain of a few pounds. Some men are interested in prevention as well, but typically they only become concerned about lifestyle issues after a medical event. Unfortunately …

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MRTA and HOAs – Are You at Risk?


By Shay S. Raja, Florida Business and Real Estate Law Attorney Homeowner’s associations have become more and more prevalent in Florida over the years. For those that have existed for quite some time, there is a real risk of not being able to collect HOA dues or enforce their covenants and restrictions. So, what may cause this risk you ask? …

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Senior Housing Options: Lease vs. Buy-in The Carlisle Naples Offers Flexibility and Asset Preservation

Senior Housing Options

By Greg Pascucci Selecting a senior living community can involve a myriad of choices. In addition to finding the right mix of services, amenities and lifestyle choices, it is essential to understand the different fee structures available—from continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) requiring large upfront entry fees to rental retirement communities offering similar services available on a monthly fee basis. …

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Private In-Home Memory Screenings

In-Home Memory Screenings

When a loved one is experiencing memory problems, confusion, and frustration every day is progressively more challenging for them and their caregiver. In the beginning stages of the disease, individuals suffering from cognitive decline are aware that they forget things. This is especially the case with short-term memory recall. Because of the added anxiety and fear, it can be overwhelming …

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