Collier Edition

Chefs For Seniors Nutrition Tips

Seniors Nutrition Tips

In 2013, Nathan Allman started Chefs for Seniors with his Father Barrett, a long time restaurant owner. Chefs for seniors makes customized meals for the week in their clients home while offering companionship and nutrition safety checks. Nathan Allman explained, “My father and I started cooking for clients in the Madison, Wisconsin area ourselves, but quickly realized that we’d tapped …

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How to Avoid Acid Reflux around the Holidays

Acid Reflux

The holidays are all about gathering together to spend time with family and friends, to laugh and have fun together, and to of course indulge in our favorite holiday treats! The festive drinks and rich foods from creamy mashed potatoes to warm pumpkin pie, holiday feasts are the most favored meals of the year by many – except maybe not …

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Gaining control when diagnosed with lung cancer

By Dr. Alan Brown A lung cancer diagnosis brings a range of emotions and questions. It can feel overwhelming. At Advocate Radiation Oncology, we recognize that coping with cancer is a journey, and it’s important that you know we are walking alongside you. In fact, one of the first steps we take together is giving our patients some power over …

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Quality Sleep Promotes Healthy Aging, Fat Loss and Mental Clarity

Quality Sleep Promotes Healthy Aging, Fat Loss and Mental Clarity

When we sleep, we promote healing properties throughout the body. Getting a good night’s sleep is critical for optimal health. On the other hand, poor sleep leads to adverse effects. The side effects and complications associated with sleep disorders are irritability, fatigue, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders, chronic disease, diabetes, weight gain, depression, behavioral issues, stroke, and brain function impairment. …

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Health Insurance – Medicare 2021 Annual Election Open Enrollment Starts October 15, 2021, Individual/Family Open Enrollment is coming soon!

Medicare 2021

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 Medicare Beneficiaries who currently have Medicare Advantage Plan and Part D (Prescription Drug Plans) should have received their “Notice of Change” documents in September. These notices compare any plan changes from your current 2021 plan to your new 2022 plan. You will be automatically re-enrolled in your current plan if you …

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Diabetes: Did someone change the lock?


By Tom Everts PA-C, IFMCP Diabetes is a condition where your body doesn’t regulate blood sugar appropriately. Type 2 diabetes has become increasingly common, especially in developed countries. A few years ago over 10 percent of Americans had diabetes and 1 in 5 did not know they had it. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United …

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Seniors Can Still Grow Their Social Network

Social Network

People generally are social by nature, and high-quality social relationships can help us all live longer, healthier lives. However, older adults often find themselves unexpectedly alone due to factors like the death of a spouse or partner, physical distance from friends or family, or loss of transportation and mobility. These seniors are at an increased risk for loneliness and social …

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Diabetes Awareness Month – Millions of Americans Have Diabetes What You Should Know

Diabetes Awareness Month

When it comes to diabetes, getting an accurate diagnosis, learning about prevention, treatment and lifestyle changes is imperative. In the United States, diabetes affects over 30 million people and along with this vast figure, stands 89 million people with prediabetes. Not only is diabetes a very expensive disease, costing approximately 245 billion dollars per year, and it wreaks havoc on …

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10 tips to reduce stress

10 tips to reduce stress

With the holiday season approaching, it’s more important than ever to learn a few quick tips to reduce stress. Keeping your stress level down is just as important to your overall health as eating well and exercising regularly. We’ve asked WellcomeMD’s health coach, Amber Gabriel, for some easy tips on how to decrease stress in your life. 1. Take up …

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Salt Therapy Can Improve Lung Conditions and Increase Respiratory Health

Salt Therapy

Daily, we are subjected to respiratory irritants such as chemicals and pollutants. COPD, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma, cause shortness of breath, productive coughing, and inflammation of the airways. However, along with progressive lung disorders, the average person also suffers from respiratory issues on a lesser level due to irritants in the environment, such as cleaning products, gas exhaust, fragrances, …

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