Collier Edition

Woman Finds Relief from Debilitating painful spine fracture Thanks to Balloons and Cement

Balloons and Cement

Nancy is one of more than 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, a disease marked by porous, brittle bones that can break more easily than healthy bones. Women over 50 have a 1-in-2 chance of breaking a bone due to osteoporosis.1 Osteoporosis is sometimes called a “silent disease” because it has no symptoms before a fracture occurs.2 That’s what happened to …

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Stop Using Fabric Softener, It Is Hazardous to Your Health

Stop Using Fabric Softener

If you rely on tv and magazine ads to get your information, you probably think that fabric softener is a must for properly laundering your clothes. This is a complete fabrication, or lie. Fabric softener is actually a dangerous poison that many people use several times a week for decades. It comes in liquid, powder or chemically laden dryer sheets. …

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Preventing Erectile Dysfunction with GAINSWave: What You Should Know

Preventing Erectile Dysfunction with What You Should Know

By Dr. Carolina Young With remarkable outcomes, GAINSWave is growing in popularity in regard to treating erectile dysfunction (ED) and Peyronies Disease, yet it’s also used as a preventative treatment. GAINSWave treatment is available for any man looking to enhance sexual health and performance. A medical condition like ED or Peyronies disease does not have to be present for men …

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COVID’s Effect on Those with Diabetes

COVID’s Effect on Those with Diabetes

Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes Reversal & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author As with most infections and viruses, COVID-19 raises blood sugar levels and increases the inflammatory response within the body. Therefore, those with underlying health conditions like diabetes have a more challenging time fighting the virus and often end up in the hospital. According the American Diabetes Association, In …

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Parasite Prevention for Your Pets in Florida is More Serious Than in Many Other Climates

If you are visiting Florida with your pet or live here part-time, it’s important to know that due to our year long, warm weather and climate, we encourage our patients to be on parasite prevention mediations year-round. Your pet will need to be on regular doses of flea and heartworm prevention. The mosquito is the primary spreader of heartworms, and …

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Accreditation Matters: Choosing a Senior Living Community

Accreditation Matters

By Greg Pascucci Selecting the right senior living community may be one of the most important decisions you and your loved ones will make. Although there is no magic formula for determining when a move will be right for you, being proactive in your research and beginning the process of discovery early on will make the transition much easier. Many …

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COVID-19 and Hearing Loss What you Need to Know

COVID-19 and Hearing Loss

By Starkey Hearing Does COVID cause hearing loss? As the Omicron variant causes a spike in cases around the world, Starkey Chief Health Officer Archelle Georgiou, MD, provides insights to a few common questions. What do experts know so far about COVID-19 and hearing loss? Dr. Georgiou — Multiple studies have shown that COVID-19 can be associated with hearing loss, …

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The Truth About Vitamin D

Why do we need Vitamin D? As a result of sun exposure, our bodies produce Vitamin D naturally, but we often don’t get enough sun exposure, or the melanin in our skin interferes with the process, or systemically, there are issues that cause a deficiency. With sun exposure, we need UVB rays to create Vitamin D, and places near the …

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Not only does God reside in our heart, he desires to protect it. Philippians 4:7 says “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” How does the peace of God guard our heart? It guards it against worry, against anxiety, against unforgiveness. . . all of the things that wreck havoc on our hearts and create stress in our lives. Our hearts are so valuable to God, that He desires all of our hearts. In Luke 10:27, Jesus said the greatest commandment was to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” When you see those pretty pink and red hearts this Valentines Day, I hope you are reminded that your heart is a unique treasure to God. There is no other heart like yours. It is so valuable to Him that Jesus died on the cross so that He could live there and God’s love be poured out into your heart. Because your heart is of the utmost value to God, you need to value it, too. Learn to listen to it. Learn to respect it. Don’t ignore it. I hope you will join me in the quest of living wholeheartedly in 2020.

By Jodi Thomas I love Valentine’s Day. Not just the flowers and the chocolate and all that good stuff, but I have always loved the idea of celebrating love . . . and on a trivial note, seeing all the pink and red hearts just makes me happy for some reason. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about my own heart. …

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Make Healthy Legs Your New Year’s Resolution

Healthy Legs

By Jeffrey Edwards, MD, RPVI Vein disease is a common cause of leg discomfort, often resulting in pain, heaviness, swelling, itching, and cramping. Venous insufficiency and varicose veins affect approximately 1/3 of the adult population and affect men and women in equal numbers. These can result in unsightly dark or bulging veins, but in more severe cases leg swelling, skin …

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