Collier Edition

A Common Enemy of Sleep You May Not Know About

Enemy of Sleep

For many of us, sleep can be hard work, especially as we get older. With all of today’s constant distractions (smartphones, emails, YouTube, text messages) and life stresses (bills, deadlines, daily traffic), it is no wonder we have difficulty with getting restful sleep. The last thing we need is to add one more to the list of “sleep disruptors,” right? Unfortunately, …

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Exercise Boosts Cancer Recovery and May Reduce Recurrence in Survivors

Cancer Recovery

By Colin E. Champ, MD, CSCS – Radiation Oncologist Although it may seem counterintuitive, evidence shows that exercise can increase energy levels, and immune function. In 2019, an expert panel organized by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) put forth new updated guidelines on exercise and cancer based on the panel’s thorough review of the scientific evidence on physical …

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Advancing Care for Patients with Breast Cancer

A diagnosis of breast cancer can be a time where people are charting unknown territories and left feeling fearful. New patients must seek out and spend time researching high-quality care and expertise in their area. As part of that diagnosis, it is essential to connect with providers who offer world-class and personalized care while incorporating advanced evidence-based treatments. How to …

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Gut health: just a fad with a yucky name, or….?

Gut health

By Dr. Melissa MacVenn, WellcomeMD, Naples Physicians need copious amounts of scien­tific evidence before adopting new treatments, and they need to disregard the buzz of promotion. The fairly recent focus on “gut health,” despite that unlovely label, has earned its attention. But there’s more to consider. Keep in mind that personal health attracts hype like a magnet pulls in iron …

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You’ve Heard It Before, Mammograms Save Lives, But What Do You Really Need to Know About Your Imaging Choices?


By Krystal Smith, D.O. Q: WHEN SHOULD I BEGIN HAVING SCREENING MAMMOGRAMS? A: The American College of Radiology recommends women begin having annual screening mammograms at age 40. Some women, who are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer due to such things as a family history of breast cancer, may need to begin sooner than age 40. Q: …

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Skin Cancer Screening: How to prepare

Skin Cancer Screening

By Sydney Tateo Are you prepared for your skin cancer screening? Screenings are quick appointments, which involve examination of your skin, head to toe. Yes, this includes scalp, feet, nails, etc. In general, it is recommended that patients be screened annually, although for those with a history of skin cancer or those with certain chronic skin conditions, more frequent visits …

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Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer affects nearly 50,000 Americans each year. If caught early on, it can easily be treated. However, in order to diagnose it early, patients need to be proactive about colonoscopies and looking for symptoms that might often be ignored. Colonoscopies are now recommended after the age of 45, but if you have any bleeding, pain, or changes in bowel …

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Know Your Macronutrients: Protein


By Cederquist Medical Wellness Center Research shows that the majority of us have only a sketchy grasp of how nutrition relates to how our bodies function and we often regard nutrition as a minor factor in our overall health. The media blitz about the American obesity crisis is putting new attention on the nation”s dietary problems, but it isn’t necessarily …

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What is the Relationship Between My Assets and Divorce?

Assets and Divorce

By Ross E. Schulman, Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A. If you are contemplating a divorce, you may be wondering what the potential impact on your assets will be. Does your spouse automatically get half of everything? Can you keep specific assets? How will divorce affect my retirement? What exactly qualifies as an asset? If you are asking any of these …

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Growth vs. Value: What To Consider In These Two Investing Strategies

Two Investing Strategies

Courtesy of: Juan Ocanas, Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley When you invest in a mutual fund or exchange traded fund (ETF), you’ll get information about the particular fund’s investment strategy or style. An investment strategy is simply a set of guiding principles a fund manager uses to choose the particular stock or bonds in which they’ll invest. Two well-regarded strategies …

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