Collier Edition

Inventory Increasing, but still a Sellers’ Market

Inventory Increasing

By Robert Nardi, Broker/Owner Demand for the Naples lifestyle remains strong as closed sales in March increased 49.9 percent compared to those reported in February. Although closed sales decreased 36.5 percent to 1,205 in March 2022 from 1,899 in March 2021, the increase from February to March was a welcome result of a steady wave of new listings. According to …

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Heart Center at Physicians Regional Celebrating 100 TAVR Milestone 

Heart Center at Physicians Regional

Physicians Regional Healthcare System also offers transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)— a minimally-invasive, life-saving innovation for patients with critical aortic stenosis. This valve disease is caused by calcium deposits that hinder blood flow and can potentially cause congestive heart failure. Patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis have a 97% death rate at 3 to 5 years if left untreated. Both …

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A Different Healthcare Career Path

By Dr. Francis Ikeokwu Not all healthcare careers lead to patient care. If you have a passion for numbers, hospitals and other medical facilities need controllers, auditors and senior accounting directors to oversee the financial side. These positions require the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation and a master’s degree. Why do these organizations want a CPA? It’s a widely-recognized and …

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When Insulin Injections Can Be a Concern with Type 2 Diabetes

By Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author There are varying opinions on the use of insulin for type 2 diabetes patients. These opinions vary by physician and patient. Some believe it makes life so much easier to inject insulin to reduce high glucose levels. Some are afraid to even consider the prospect of having to …

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Ready to Lose Weight? We Can Help

Lose Weight

By Cederquist Medical Wellness Center We understand how frustrating and humiliating it can be to try everything to lose weight without any real results. When exercise, dieting, and calorie counts to the tenth of the decimal point have not worked for you, Cederquist Medical Wellness Center is here to help. We offer you real help and simple solutions. You likely …

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Hear Better, Feel Better this Summer!

Hear Better

By Adriana Villalobos, M.A. CCC-A Did you know hearing loss can have a significant effect on your health and quality of life? Hearing loss is associated with cognitive impairment and dementia. If hearing loss is left untreated it can lead to: Stress, fatigue and tension; depression or anxiety as well as poor memory and difficulty following directions. Also surprising to …

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10 Reasons NOT to go to the Gym… and Why Zoom Fit is the Answer…

Zoom Fit

1. You’re Intimidated Excuse: Trying something new is scary especially when I really don’t know what I’m doing because I’ve never strength trained before and I can’t afford a personal trainer. Plus, there are other people at the gym, which can be intimidating if you’re shy or self-conscious. Solution: Zoom Fit is a whole new concept that eliminates intimidation and …

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All the Rage with Celebrities, The Vampire Facelift and Facial Can Give You Your Youthful Appearance Back

Vampire Facelift

As we age skin can become dull, lose elasticity and droop. There are of course surgical options and hyaluronic acid fillers, but the procedures that are topping everyone’s wish list are the Vampire facelift and the vampire facial. Naturally found in your blood, platelets are a rich source of proteins called growth factors, which promote healing and regeneration. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) …

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It’s Not Just For The Ladies!


By Anne Marie Tremaine, MD The male aesthetic market continues to grow and expand year over year. Male patients are undergoing cosmetic procedures with the goal of a natural, but rejuvenated, face and skin. Motivation for such procedures is a mixture of social and work-related pressures to look young and fit. Each year, prestigious medical societies poll physicians to determine …

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Summer Travel Safety Tips

Travel Safety

During the summer months here in Florida, numerous people are looking forward to finally getting together with small groups of friends and family for beach outings, vacations, relaxing poolside, and enjoying BBQs, but with all of this activity, it’s important to stay safe during these long, hot, sun-filled days. When the times comes for our travel or fun to begin, …

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