Collier Edition

Vitamin C on the Go

Vitamin C

By Amanda Tezyk, APRN, BSN, RN Tired? Overwhelmed? Feeling sluggish? Haven’t fed your body the best “fuel” lately? When you can’t get a dose of Vitamin Sea to reset your mind, a high dose IV of Vitamin C might be right kind of fuel your body is craving to get back on track. High dose Vitamin C administered through IV …

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Navigating the Health Care System for Your Aging Parents is Tough

Health Care System

Navigating the health care system for your aging parents is tough. Navigating health care services for a parent who lives miles or states away can be almost impossible. If you find yourself the primary caretaker for a person who lives outside of your zip code, there is help a mere phone call away. Imagine this scenario. You are a working …

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Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement

Did you know that your doctor can easily order you hormone lab tests to see which hormones are producing normally and which  might be imbalanced? It’s important as we age to understand where our hormone levels are and how they are functioning for overall health and wellbeing. BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT IS OPTIMAL Bio-identical hormone restoration therapy is restoring hormone levels …

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The Importance of Annual Medicare Check-Ups

Annual Medicare Check-Ups

Many people can’t remember the last time they had a doctor’s visit. They may say they never get sick or they just don’t have any risk factors. However, sometimes the problem is not always visible on the outside or perhaps has only just begun, but could be avoided all together if prevented. Annual Wellness visits with your primary care provider …

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After Childbirth Many Women Have a Weakened Pelvic Floor & Urinary Incontinence:

How EMSELLA™ Can Help You By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG After childbirth, the pelvic floor, which protects and supports the internal pelvic organs may become weakened, stretched, less elastic, and less resilient. The weakened pelvic floor muscles can also cause overactive bladder and incontinence issues. 35% of women experience a weakened pelvic floor after childbirth, and this also occurs in women …

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Forgetful Lately? How You Can Feed a Healthy Mind

Forgetful Lately

By Caroline Cederquist, M.D. Remember the days when you didn’t have to think twice about where the keys were, or the actor’s name in your favorite movie? You never forgot why you walked into a room, or what you needed at the store. Gray matter declines as we age, and this is the tissue in the brain that is rich …

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By Nasser Razack, MD, JD Alzheimer’s has a devastating effect that many people take for granted. Let’s discuss nine ways to prevent the disease and promote better brain health. 1. Engage in brisk walking for at least 30 minutes five times a week. This can reduce Alzheimer’s disease risk by 33%. Vigorous aerobic exercise performed three times weekly for at …

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Ketamine – Could it be a Cure for Depression?


By Dr. Robles Depression. We’ve all experienced it to some degree – whether in grievance from a loss, such as in family or a job; in Winter, as in Seasonal Affective Disorder; or perhaps even diagnosed at postpartum. In fact, nearly 16 million people in the United States are affected by depression. That’s a lot of people, so thankfully, psychotherapy …

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The Florida Pain Center Treats Their Patients With Whole-Body Care

Whole-Body Care

If you suffer from chronic pain from an injury, illness, trauma, or disease, the unbearable discomfort can disrupt your entire life. Over 116 million people suffer from various types of chronic pain disorders. Chronic pain can lead to depression, addictions, anxiety, stress, isolation, and even suicide. Finding relief from pain is critical to having the quality of life you deserve. …

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Introducing a revolutionary treatment for men and women

Alma Duo

By Dr. Valerie Sorge and Dr. Lisa Caprio Alma Duo™ is one of the latest sexual health devices on the market. It’s quick, non-invasive, and has been shown to provide sexual health improvements that last for up to two years! The Alma Duo is the first FDA approved device to use low intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy that is painless. …

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